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1on1 Tutorings
We're happy to announce, that we're finally able to provide 1on1-online-tutorings. This offering is perfect, if you want to have an insight on how we approach production or just want to generally improve your production skills.
Our tuitions range from short lessons covering a specific topic, up to full masterclasses and are adjusted to your current level of production.
Follow the link below for more informations and fill out the form, if you want to advance. We will get in touch via e-mail after we received your registration.

If you are thirsty for conventional sounds, you have come to the wrong place. QZB roll up Drum'n'Bass in a new way - precise, focused and with a dynamic that is infectious. Since 2012, they have been putting their heads together and constantly working on the perfection of their recipe. The impressive interim balance: sold-out club nights by the metre, festival appearances throughout Europe and releases on the hottest label for future sonics, Critical Music.
This success does not come by chance. Razor-sharp percussion and an unmistakably forward-looking overall aesthetic ensured enthusiasm on the dance floors right from the start. Hip Hop and breaks serve as a source of inspiration just as much as Italodisco or Jazz - in the knowledge that reaching new worlds also means breaking with the past.